Turnkey Plant Solutions
Over recent years, The OCTG industry has seen an increase in overall world demand for oil and gas. This has not only increased demand for tubing and casing but has caused a new need for even higher strength pipe. New wells are being drilled deeper with increased pressure and the pipe needs to handle the increased requirements. The cost of a pipe failure is extremely high so the quality of the heat treat process is determining future suppliers.
Energy Service Group has developed total plant solutions to address the new market needs utilizing state of the art processing but only with proven technology. All of the solution are engineered around our customers requirements. Products, capacity, quality and efficiency are all taken in to consideration.
ESG can design a plant layout around your production needs. Optimization of pipe movement is important for efficiency of the process. Proper design allows one section of the process to continue to operate while another section is down for repairs. Let us help you with your up front planning.