ESG has designed and refined the cooling disc table to provide an excellent service factor while reliably maintaining good quality production.
Why is rotation needed?
When the pipe exits the temper furnace the cooling is relatively fast. Non uniform cooling on the pipe will cause stresses as those cooler sections and they start to contract. In the best case it instills stresses in the pipe body that it wants to relieve. In the worst case, it can cause a tube or pipe to bend. This is why in many operations a gag straightener is present to take care of these immediate problems. A better solution is the ESG rotating disc table.
The fast rotation of the ESG disc table allows natural draft cooling to take place, but it is uniform throughout the circumference of the pipe. The disc contact point, unlike a rail, is narrow and will heat up and not cause point of contact cooling like a drag chain table. The table also has an added benefit, if a tube already has a bow, the table will allow the piece to straighten as it goes through the upper end of the cooling curve. The results we have seen is consistently straight pipe that does not need to go through a straightener.
ESG Design features
- ESG has refined the rotating disc cooling bed to be essentially maintenance free. A reoccurring problem with these cooling beds is the bearings are located close to the hot pipe. Bearing replacement can be frequent and troublesome. This problem was solved by using trunnion system that removes the bearing from the cross shaft and moves the bearings lower. If a bearing did need to be changed the access is easy.
- An additional problem with the rotating disc is they work well for one size but a different size will bunch up on the table. ESG went with the philosophy of one pipe, one pocket. ESG added a hydraulic lift system that moves all of the pipes to their next pocket. There is no slipping and marking from the disk. It also will clear the table at the end of the run.

ESG utilizes the rotating disc cooling table to cool the pipe from the higher temperatures and combines it with a drag chain table for final cooling. Below are some cooling rates for the combination system.
Cooling Table / Drag chain Summary
- Pipe size: 9 5/8” diameter, 0.545” wall
- Rotating cooling table: 1200 °F to 360 °F – 50 minutes
- Drag Chain conveyor: 360 °F to 180 °F – 50 minutes
- Pipe Side: 5 1/2” diameter, 0.415” wall
- Rotating Cooling Table: 1200 °F to 450 °F – 26 minutes
- Drag Chain conveyor: 450 °F to 180 °F – 46 minutes