
System Design

System Design Criteria

Heat transfer model

  • Specific pipe sizes
  • Time to critical temperature

Pipe speed determination

  • Tons/hr required
  • inches per second

Spray system layout

  • High density zone
  • Low density zone
  • Latent heat removal

Heat balance

  • Zone 1 required flow
  • Zone 2 required flow
  • Exit water temperature

Quench Optimization

Spray Pattern – pressure and volume

Optimization of the uniformity of the flow rate around the cooling surface is critical to reduce undesirable thermal gradients during quenching

Agitation or force is particularly important since it may have a dramatic effect both on the timing of the rupture and thickness of the insulating film. Increasing intensity will cause faster rupture and sweep of the surface. Decreasing intensity rates will exhibit the opposite effect.

The design of the spray pattern layout is critical in developing a quench head. The correct force ( pressure and configuration) is needed to strip the steam formation and initiate rapid cooling. The design also needs to keep in mind the path for the water to exit the pipe. Too much volume and the exiting water interferes with the effectiveness of the spray nozzles down stream.

Dynamic Quench

ESG’s Dynamic quench is designed around the customers product mix and production rate. It consists of multiple independent adjustable systems.The different heads can be adjusted for pressure and flow rate. In extreme size situations it may necessary to have a separate head to move into position. In this case the heads can be mounted on a rail system and switch over can be made in 30 minutes

A lot of existing quenches are turned on and never touched in spite of quenching different products. Typically this will have good results on one product and questionable on others. ESG can help you better understand your quenching requirements. We can propose a modification or replacement that can help improve your results